Bombay Hair.

Bombay Hair.
Photos by Allison Kuhl Tularosa Dress

Photos by Allison Kuhl 
Tularosa Dress


I am all about those effortless beach waves, but when I want to achieve a more romantic, ringlet look I love using a wand, and the Bombay Hair 25mm Gold Curling Wand is the best! 

To curl, I pull a small piece of hair away from my face, wind it around the wand (away from me) and hold for 1-2 seconds, then release. So easy! I love that Bombay Hair includes a protective glove along with the iron, it is perfect for protecting your fingertips while you get used to using a wand. 

I am super excited to have teamed up with them to give away 3 of the Gold Curling Wands, make sure to visit my Instagram page for the entry details.
